dinsdag 19 maart 2013

Article Lunch at Librijes zusje - Bence Márk

This article is written by a Danish blogger, who pays attention especially to the high end cuisine. The main topic of the article is the food which was eaten in “De Librije”, but we can get some information about the story of the restaurant, and the hotel. However, the story of Johnny and Thérése Boer is also written on the blog. The author is really satisfied with the high quality food, even she had to travel a lot from Copenhagen to Zwolle. Her opinion is the same in connection with the service, and the style of the building. I think it can be really useful to see, what is the opinion of a high quality gastro flood blogger about “De Librije”, because in this way we can get more knowledge not just about the restaurant, but about the high end cuisine as well.

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